Syntc Studio Apps

喵喵神爪 1.3
Syntc Studio
喵~!喵~!喵~!喵喵神爪来啦!有多萌,有多可爱,玩了你就知道。满满的喵喵爪,满满的全是爱哟~!让你的手指飞舞,点起爱的呼唤,完全停不下来的节奏~~。极简的操作方式,你只需要连续准确地点击喵喵爪。就这么简单!还不快喵喵挑战起来!三种游戏模式都能让你挑战自我* 经典 - 努力用最短的时间完成* 挑战 - 生存地越久越好* 禅宗 - 限定时间内点得越多越好你的小脑足够发达嘛?敢来比一比嘛?喵喵星人在等你哟!分享你的成绩,和朋友们一决高下!一起来哼唱喵喵神曲吧!喵喵神爪来啦!你还在等神马!?欢迎给我们提建议。后面有更多的精彩!Meow ~! Meow ~!Meow~!God meow claws coming! How adorable, how cute, you know play.Meowfull of claws, full of all the love yo ~! Let your fingers fly,litthe call of love, totally can not stop the rhythm ~ ~.Minimalist mode of operation, you only need to continuouslyandaccurately Click meow claws. It's that simple! Not quickmeowchallenge up!Three game modes can make you challenge yourself* Classic - work done in the shortest possible time* Challenge - to survive as long as possible* Zen - the better points within the time limitWell your cerebellum developed enough? Well dare to racewith?Meow star who is waiting for you yo!Share your achievements, and friends for a showdown! DivineComedysinging together it meow!God meow claws coming! Are you waiting for God Ma! ?Welcome to our suggestions. Followed by a more exciting!
战斗吧!食物! 0.9
Syntc Studio
战斗吧!食物!是一款可爱的射击战斗游戏。游戏拥有丰富的道具系统,强大的武器系统。升级你的武器,购买新的食物和道具,你将强大无比,所向披靡。同时还有神秘的宠物与你并肩作战。快来参加战斗吧!食物王国的臣民们本生活在平静的日子中,可好景不长,一股黑暗势力开始逐步吞噬这片土地。食物王国的国王在这危机时刻,召集起食物王国最勇猛的勇士们,驾驶着缤纷多彩的各式精美食物,在迷失大陆开始了紧张而刺激的冒险与挑战!【萌系射击第一游戏哟~】-8种宠物协助英雄披荆斩棘,消灭各种怪物!-5种食物发挥各自秘密神技,展现食物魅力!-4位英雄各展所长勇斗怪物,尽显英雄本色!【各色食物奋勇杀敌哟~】-蔬菜、水果、冷饮、蛋糕!-甚至……还有传说中的……终极食物!【宠物参战豪华阵容哟~】-宠物扭蛋扭出超神秘宠物,各怀绝技,各显神通!-双宠系统让你携带更多宠物去参与冒险之旅!-宠物饲料让宠物获得更多经验,加速升级,获得更强战斗力!【道具装备锦上添花哟~】-各色功能道具让你在战斗中体验到更加丰富多彩的乐趣!-各色装备道具让你的英雄越来越萌,越来越可爱!【屌丝、高富帅、白富美、吃货达人、学生白领之必备好游哟~】-超简易上手的操作,只要你勤于挑战,定能威震四方!-超越自我,挑战极限,邀请你的好友一起来战斗,获得更多乐趣呀!更多食物、宠物、英雄,陆续增加,敬请期待与支持呀!!!神马?没有你喜欢的食物?那还不赶快去我们的官方微博告诉我们呀喂!! Food! Fighting isalovely shooting game. The game has a wealth of props system,apowerful weapon system. Upgrade your weapons, buy new foodandprops, you will so powerful, invincible. As well as themysteriouspet with you alongside. Come and join the fight!Food kingdom's subjects who live in the calm days, you can notlast,one dark forces gradually engulfed this land. King of theKingdom offood in this time of crisis, to bring together foodkingdom's mostintrepid warriors, driving a colorful variety offine food, the lostcontinent began a tense and exciting adventuresand challenges![Meng Department of shooting first game yo ~]-8 Kinds of pets to help the hero through the clutter andeliminateall kinds of monsters!-5 Kinds of food nirvana play their secret show food charm!-4 Heroes fought the monster the exhibition director, fillingahero![Colored food bravely fighting the enemy yo ~]- Vegetables, fruit, cold drinks, cakes!- And even there the legendary ...... ...... ultimate food![Pet war lineup yo ~]- Super-mysterious pet pet toy Niuchu, Face stunt, recount!- Dual pet system lets you carry more pets to participate intheadventure!- Pet feed your pet to gain more experience, speed upgrades,getstronger combat![Props and equipment icing on the cake yo ~]- Colored props feature allows you to experience in combat to amorecolorful fun!- Colored props and equipment to make your hero more adorable,morecute![Cock silk, rich handsome, white Formica, eat goods Daren,studentsmust-collar Long swim yo ~]- Ultra-simple-to-use operation, as long as you diligentchallengewill be able to Megatron Quartet!- Beyond the self, the ultimate challenge, invite yourfriendstogether to fight for more fun that way!More food, pet, hero, gradually increase, so stay tuned andsupportit! ! !God horse? Without your favorite food? That's not up to us totellus the official microblogging Yeah Hey!